Thursday, February 20, 2014

Have We Lost the Culture War?

Yes, the blog has been inactive for some time, and for that we apologize. Like you, we usually have too many irons in the fire or often don't manage our time as wisely as we should (at least this author, Adam, does not manage his time as wisely as he should!). We will attempt to do better this year, especially as we approach election time.

Our last two bulletin inserts have focused on the need for Christians to be involved in public affairs and politics. We argued that everyone has a particular view of reality, including those in government. Therefore, there is no government neutrality on ethical/moral/social issues. Someone's view of reality, and thus someone's morality, will be legislated. As Christians, while we are not called to establish a theocracy (God-run government), we are called to be salt and light and to fight to preserve the good and expose the darkness. We can do that in a number of ways, one of the most obvious of which is to simply vote, and vote your values (assuming you have good and true values!).

We can also argue for the good in the public square, and we can do so in a way which appeals to the reality we all share in common. God has "written on our hearts" as it were the natural moral law we all have access to by virtue of being rational human beings sharing the same reality. While this natural moral law points to God it need start with God, nor even invoke God, to have rational force. Unfortunately, as we've said in the inserts, rather than fight the bad philosophy in our culture which has led to the bad thinking and morally corrupt culture in which we now live, Christians by and large circled the wagons, withdrew, and failed to engage and transform a declining society.

Now we stand on the brink of losing the culture war completely. Not only will such a loss lead to even more moral failings, it will have a direct impact on our religious freedoms and ability to share the Gospel. While we shouldn't be surprised to face some type of persecution from the world, that doesn't mean we should go looking for it or invite it. The original Apostles "turned the world upside down" when they preached the resurrected Christ. It's time we do the same in our modern culture. We know that ultimately the war will not be lost in the long run, and we can have hope that truth is on our side because the God of Truth is on our side.

For more on the possible loss of the culture war and its implications, see this recent article from

For more about the quotes from January's insert see here, here, and here.